Cartridges Dynamic Product Remarketing
Dynamic Product Remarketing Creative Templates

The Google Merchant Centre’s structure did not meet the requirements for a Studio feed, therefore, custom scripts (in the form of 8 XML files) were created to provide the additional structure required. FiveStones provided clear instructions and documentation to the client’s development team for them to create the connection between their CRM, Oracle Netsuite and Studio.
As part of the feed set up feed, the client’s website product records in Netsuite would output the XML feeds at 12.30am daily. FiveStones then use Auto Scheduling in Studio to pull these feeds into the platform at 2am after the feed has generated, meaning all 4000 products are updated daily.
From a Google Marketing Platform perspective, once a prospect visits a particular product page on the client’s website, the product ID, is passed through a Custom Floodlight Variable in Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) then stored and refreshed in Studio with a feature called remarketing attribute.
From here, Studio matches the remarketing values with the content in the xml feeds from Netsuite and then sends the personalised content to the creative.
Cartridges Direct
Studio (Rich Media)
Desktop, Mobile
Dynamic Remarketing, Greensock Animation
Ecommerce, Technology
160x600, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 728x90, 970x250, custom